Labrador Retriever Training by yourself – throwing doubles Sometimes you have to get a little imaginative if you are going to train your hunting retriever by yourself. In this video I use an orange football goal line marker so that I can see where the dog needs to go back to. I have shortened the distance on this video because no one is operating the camera and I have it on a tripod, so I have kept it short so that you can see the concept. The mark was thrown down a small hill. Some people have the dog bring the bumper to them, then send them to the line from there side. There is nothing wrong with doing it that way, but I like to be able to practice it both ways. It also helps the dog get better vertical lines. This also helps the dog understand the concept that there will be more than one bumper thrown before he gets to retrieve. You can then move wherever and stretch it out as much as you’d like.

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